News Services

2015 Holy Week Services

Dear Parishoners of the Parish of Tugela Rivers,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Services for Holy Week are as follows:

Palm Sunday 29th March 2015

08h30 Palm Sunday Service at St. Patrick’s Church Bergville. Preacher Bishop Tsietsi Seleoane.(+T and JG)
09h00 Palm Sunday Service at All Saints Church Winterton. We have decided to not to join the Combind Service but to have our own Service. (CB)

Prayer Walk at the DRC in Winterton.

Monday 30th March, Tuesday 31st March, 1st April and 2nd April. The Prayer Walk starts with a multi-media presentation in the church.
18h00, 18h30, 19h00, 19h30 and 20h00.

Maundy Thursday Service, Thursday 2nd April 2015.

18h00 Combined Service at the Lutheran Church in Winterton. (CB and KR)

Good Friday 3rd April 2015

08h30 at St. Patrick’s Church Bergville. Stations of the Cross. (CB, KR and GW)
12h00 at Al Saints Church Winterton. Stations of the Cross. (CB, KR and GW)
18h00 at the Cavern. Stations of the Cross.(CB)

Easter Day 5th April 2015.

08h30 Easter Day Service at St. Patrick’s Church Bergville. (GW)
09h00 Easter Day Service at All Saints Church Winterton. (KR)
09h00 Easter Day Service at Hlalanathi. (CB)
10h30 Easter Day Service at Alpine Heath. (CB)
18h00 Easter Day Service at the Cavern. (CB)

As I will be away in Windhoek at St. George’s Cathedral for Holy Week, the services will be lead by Caroline Beech, Kevin Robertson and Greg Wynn. I am truly grateful for their help.

Please pray for Rod and Jean Smith at this time. A tumor has been discovered on Rod’s hip. He is to have radiation therapy and chemo therapy. He is in a lot of pain and is not sleeping well. This in turn disturbs Jean who is exhausted. At this time it is not known when Rod’s treatment will begin.

Yours sincerely in Christ,
John Green.

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